Meet the Board

Kathleen Bush


I currently work for The Center for Adoption Support and Education on contract with The National Center for Enhanced Post-Adoption Services; Truth in Love Counseling

I previously worked at The Baby Fold for over 29 years, starting in the residential treatment center, attending graduate school at Bradley University to become a family therapist in the Adoption Support and Preservation (ASAP) Program.  I eventually moved into program management, finished a doctoral degree in International Psychology- Trauma Focus, and eventually became the Clinical Director for The Baby Fold. I developed the Attachment and Trauma Fellowship and Certification program and now sit on the advisory council for that program.  I have had private therapy clients for several years and last fall, Truth in Love reached out for support with clinical direction and recruited me to work their part-time as a therapist.  This spring I was recruited to work in the National Center for Enhanced Post Adoption Services, supporting states, tribes, and territories in developing post adoption services like those in Illinois. I love to travel, so this is a good job match because, while I will work from home, I will be traveling to these states, tribes and territories on a regular basis. 

Reason for serving on the board:

I have extensive training in adoption related clinical issues and understanding of how support children with special needs.  I also have understanding of the business side of the work of a non for profit counseling agency as a former provider and a program manager and department director, and I have years of experience in implemented strategic plans.  I have been a consultant with states and agencies on projects including implementing adoption support services, training programs, and shifting organizations to become trauma and attachment informed in their approaches to children and families.